Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Knapp's Relational Model


I once had an online friendship with someone, we met through a mutual friend, with me knowing them from my middle school while they knew them from their high school. We had originally started playing games together, the standout being Valorant. We had gotten to the step of Intensifying as according to Knapp's Relational Model, however we started to drift apart as I lost interest in most of our shared games. It wasn't any fault of my friend, it's just that he stayed with hobbies while I moved on, leading to us not talking, to me just not using the Discord Server we used since I felt I had no need to. Ultimately when I got more interested in Valorant again I never thought to reach out as he just seemed to far away to contact. Our relationship hasn't reached the terminating stage, and I don't believe it will, I would place us instead at a perpetual Stagnation stage.

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