Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Toulmin Method

The Toulmin Method is a robust method centered around the use of critical thinking in the space of arguments. It emphasizes the use of four different sections of an argument: the claim which is the main topic of interest, the reason which is the idea behind the claim, the evidence which backs up your claim and reason, and finally the warrant which is the background subtext that you believe everyone should know.

After that there are some knew vocabulary that the Toulmin Method uses, including the data which is the overall area that people pull their evidence from, the backing which is the overall backbone of the evidence showing it is valid, the qualifier which states that the claim can lead into other questions and topics, and finally the rebuttal which acts as the reason behind why your claim is considered to be an argument rather than a fact.

However in some sense this method has one fatal flaw, it requires the user to have one resource that can be in short supply during most arguments, time. It takes time to analyze the basic elements of the arguments being made, as well as testing your own argument against critiques.

However if there is one thing that online communication has in abundance, it is time. When in an online space you don't have to worry about responding quickly like you would in a face-to-face conversation. It is through the online space that the Toulmin Method flourishes, as by being online you're able to find source easily, construct your arguments without rushing, and test your own ideas easily.

One example where the Toulmin method could be used online would be in the idea that video games cause violence, as it allows for a load of evidence and other support backing the fact that it doesn't allowing to contest this point.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Research Podcast

Hello Everyone!

For this week I have been tasked with researching audio podcasts, specifically those that can relate to the ideas of online communication and its many faucets. The podcast I chose to research is known as Recode Media, a podcast run by an acclaimed reporter known as Peter Kafka. The podcast itself talks to a myriad of people, however the specific episode I want to talk about discusses how the Israel-Hamas war is covered by news outlets such as the Washington Post.

In this episode Kafka discusses the various strategies and topics that the news covers with his guest Douglas Jehl, however what I want to focus on was a quote regarding how "the first reports are invariably inaccurate and we need to remind ourselves in every conflict that knowing with certainty takes time" (Kafka, 2023). Now what does this mean? It means that most things that are being 'real-time reported' on things like war, aren't necessarily true, it could be said that in any given story in the paper has most likely multiple inaccuracies when it comes to wartime situations.

This relates to the idea of online communication through the idea of the Agenda-Setting Theory, where "over time, the media agenda shapes the public agenda" (Green ,2017 pg. 368). So combined with the fact that most news from warring areas is known to be false when first presented, that means that news outlets like the Washington Post that have a lot of clout in the online communication space are able t essentially shape the publics perceptions on foreign wars with lies. They could say that rebels are using civilians as human shields even if there was no real proof, which could in turn shape public opinion against that specific group, even if they are in-fact the 'good guys' (so much as there can be a good guy in war). 


Green, J. M. (2017). Communicating online. McGraw Hill Education Create.

Kafka, P. (Host), Jehl, D. (Guest). (2023, October 18). How the Washington Post is covering the Israel-Hamas War [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Battle For Public Opinion

How has this online landscape transformed the dynamics of public opinion formation and communication strategies?

I believe that the best way to sum up how the online space has transformed public opinion is through the phrase, 'strike while the iron is hot'. Through the internet anyone is able to communicate with everyone all at once, if I wanted to I could go and talk to someone on the other side of the planet at the press of a button. This interconnectivity given to humanity by the internet also translates to speedy dissemination of information, which leads to my point that the first ones to report the situation more often than not get to be the ones that get to influence the public opinion on the matter.

One such example of this phenomena can be found in the reporting of a Colorado movie theater shooting in 2012, where originally the onsite news reported stated that the shooter has dressed and identified himself as the joker. This simply isn't true however, as the media had simply made up this tidbit and went with it after they found out that the movie at the time of the shooting was for The Dark Knight.

They did this because such a story would get more views and would make the reporting stations more popular, even though it was an act of deceit that still hangs over the batman villain's character till this day.

What ethical considerations should individuals and organizations consider when participating in this battle for public view online?

I believe firstly that these individuals and organizations should at minimum the moral compass required for when it comes to shaping the views of groups of people. There power can be wielded just like a hammer, they can either hammer a nail or crack a skull. They can promote peace and prosperity, or enflame the fear of the masses.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Online Communication, Business Assessment

For this week I have been tasked with checking out a business' online communication abilities, whether that be through their website, social media, LinkIn, or other ways of communication. The business that I have chosen to research is...

Blizzard Entertainment is a company that specializes in the creation of video games, some notable examples being the World of Warcraft games, the Diablo series, and Overwatch 1 and 2. Overall I would say that the company does a good job with their online communication responsibilities, utilizing several social media platforms such as X, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and Youtube. All these sites have shown timely posts that address the community regarding new gaming events or by endorsing community related things like cosplay. 

However the website the company uses isn't all that geared towards online communication, rather it is geared towards showcasing their products as well as events going on in their online games. The top of the website is devoted towards current events, such as new season in any given series, or discounts towards older games. The middle is devoted to featured games that are currently with the times, and the bottom is reserved for links towards other side portions of the website that contain more miscellaneous information, as well as links to their social media sites.

Blizzard tries to communicate an identity of a relatable friend, much like several other large businesses on X. They do this through the use of memes or other community related questions, one of the most recent being a post titled, "What's this band called?" with this image:

One way that Blizzard could improve their online communication would through a bit more feedback towards the average user, such as through the use of customer support in these public forums.


Blizzard Entertainment [@Blizzard_Ent]. "What's this band called?" Twitter, 19 January 2024,

Visual Communication Online

Social semiotics, named and discovered by Gunther Kress, is the the study of how social-practices and customs influences symbols and ideas a...